01604 863189

Roade Hill, Ashton,


Ashton's governing body is a team of six individuals, including the Headteacher and one member of teaching staff. Most of the group have their own separate jobs, and they all give their time and expertise for the good of the children at the school.

The school has a 'manager' (the Headteacher), but the governing body is ultimately responsible for the educational achievement of the children and the welfare of everybody at school. Together, the governing body and the school leaders set the strategic priorities and then monitor progress towards those priorities.

The full governing body (FGB) meets four times each year. 

Please click on the downloads in the sidebar to see the attendance for the FGB meetings and committee meetings.

We have a committed team of Governors at Ashton CEVC Primary School.  The governors all attend the Full Governors Meetings and then sit on different committees depending upon their areas of interest and expertise. 

We have three committees.  These are: Ethics and Ethos, Curriculum and Standards and Finance and Resources.

Governors Name


Allen Lee

Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Ethics and Ethos Committee

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Finance and Resources Committee

Bernard Day

Foundation Governor

Chair of Ethics and Ethos Committee

Finance and Resources Committee

Fi Messenger

Co-opted Governor

Stephanie Jeavons

LA Governor

Gareth Goddard

Staff Governor

Ethics and Ethos Committee

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Finance and Resources Committee

Jude Busari

Head Teacher

Ethics and Ethos Committee

Curriculum and Standards Committee

Finance and Resources Committee

Teresa Elkin

Clerk to Full Governors

Governors Data

Join the Governing team!

We are always on the lookout for motivated people who would like to share their time and skills with us. If that's you, then please get in touch.