A warm welcome to the infant class at Ashton CE Primary. The class has a mixed age group with Reception, Year one and Year two children. At the beginning of the week, Mrs Wilson teaches the class then Mrs Sara teaches from Thursday to Friday. Mrs Young and Mrs Litster, our experienced teaching assistants, regularly supports the class. Our HLTA (higher level teaching assistant) takes the class whilst Mrs Wilson and Mrs Sara work closely together to plan the best outcomes for the children. The major benefit of a small school is that the staff get to know the children well and are able to tailor their learning.
In the mornings, we cover the core subjects of phonics, reading, maths and writing. The children work at an appropriate level to secure the next steps in their learning. We also have an outside area, which is designed to allow our children access to continuous provision and allows them to initiate their own learning.
Each afternoon, we join with the juniors for a collective worship assembly and then follow the national curriculum to learn about other subjects including science, geography and history, art and design technology, physical education, music and computing. Some examples of our topics, which the children have really enjoyed include, The Great Fire of London, Our Local Area and Oceans.
We follow the Peterborough Diocese scheme to deliver religious education lessons each week.
Children are given weekly spellings to learn and we ask that they read regularly at home. We run a reading raffle on a Friday for any children who have read four times or more at home during the week. This is very popular with the children!
Topic webs for our learning this term
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pdf Infants Spring Term Topic Map 25 | Download Preview |
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pdf Infants Long Term Planning | Download Preview |